Monday, July 18, 2005

Special dedication for Indos in Wichita!

Guess what I had today! Huahuahuahua....
1. Kepiting Saos Padang
2. Ikan bakar
3. Kangkung cah terasi
4. Cumi cumi bakar
5. Sambel terasi ulek...
Yummmmmmmmyyyyyy *wink wink*
Oh by the way, I'm attaching this picture of ikan bakar to kinda remind you all about how it looks like.. Coz I know there is someone who's been in Wichita for almost 9 years.. (ehmm, Hi Den!) Huahuahuaa!!

1 comment:

Herrotzky said...

ehemmm ehemmm... eh tolong ye...