Tuesday, October 25, 2005



It's something that you can't control, yet it is there.
No matter what you do, no matter what you say, people are constantly 'judging' you. Although they don't know the hidden motives that you have; why you do certain things; why you mingle with certain groups; why you talk about certain things; the bottom line is you are 'that' kind of a person.

You can't help it. You can't say anything. It's out of your hands.

So, does perception equals to assumption? Perhaps. Not always, but it can certainly lead to that. The hardest part to accept is when the person who's making assumption is someone who you think knows you well.


Jasmine said...

let them make an ASS when they ASSume.good friends dont judge. they know you, and accept you, stupidity-bad decisions-disappointment-frustration etc etc. true acceptance is like buying things wholesale,even if a few eggs is bad in the box,u buy the whole package!and of course you're my best buddy!

Anonymous said...

Whatever we do or say, people will always judge us or make some assumptions. However, we should not let those bring us down as long as we know that we are doing what is right in the eyes of GOD. Never forget, people who make assumption about others don't in fact know them well enough as they might think they do. Your true friends are always there for you in good and bad situations.

God is watching over you.

Lee Ya said...

Thanks a lot, Jasmine and Tony!
Those words are very comforting!

Dem Soldier said...

Humans will always have perception on U, no matter what.....How U deal with it is what's important.....I never worry what others think of me at all, as U said, you can't help it...out of my hands.....