Friday, March 03, 2006

My book...

Life is like a book. Has different chapters. Has different characters that come and go. Has angels (the ones people will like) and devils (the ones that make people mad). My life has different chapters and people who are significant to the events in life and the ones who just pass by or watch from the distance.

Recently I found my "timeline" that we did in church about two years ago. It was an activity using different colors of "post-it" sticky paper. Red to identify crisis in life; yellow to identify significant event in my life. There were people that are significant in my life that have been around from the time I was born till now. There were people who were significant in my life back then and now dissapear. There were names that showed up during my teenage and college years. But there was one name I noticed that has never disappeared. Yes, it's Jesus...

I really wouldn't have been here right now, if it wasn't by His grace and mercy. With all the things that I went through this past week, God spoke to me in many ways. I still can't change what has happened. I still can't remove the heartache till now. But, I know I have hope...

So friends,
If I got you worried this few days, I'm sorry..
If you had to be on the phone with me for hours listening to whatever nonsense I had, I'm sorry..
If you had to deal with all this, I'm sorry...
If you asked and asked and never got an answer, I'm sorry...

I'm ending that blue chapter in my 'book' now and moving on to my next chapter...

Thanks for all the prayers.
Thanks for all the e-mails.
Thanks for all the minutes you wasted.
Thanks for all the encouraging words.
Thanks for all the hours you spent staying up late with me.
Thanks for all the songs you gave me.
Thanks for everything...



Anonymous said...

Yeah, first of all I agree with you…and now I Believe God is preparing a tremendous beautiful story for your new chapter in your book life. By His grace, his Love and everything that you’ve been pass trough this years, is all because God want you to depend more in Him and know Him better.

And I Believe you can remove your headache right now, because you have Big Daddy who always there for you to give you hope and He is very proud of you. I Believe for the next step in your new chapter, God promise to hold you and walk together with you. The beautiful story will begin...Isaiah 40:10.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this can cheers you up....GBU my friend!!!

Lee Ya said...

Dear my friend in Christ,

Thanks a lot! You really made my day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're going through a tough time. If you need someone to talk to, give me a call. I'll give you the listening ear you need.

Lee Ya said...

thanks,chiam! I'm getting a lot better now...

Anonymous said...

it's okey...that's why family in Christ are for...and yeah i will always pray for you, for your future and ministries....Dont worry, Daddy always be with You....!!!