Monday, April 17, 2006

Just a quick flashback....

Sunday, February 19, 2006 08:39 p.m.
I received an e-mail from my Comprehensive Exam's (COMPS) chair saying:

Hello Amelia,

I have attached a copy of your comprehensive exam questions. In addition, I have placed a paper copy in an envelope in your box in the main office. I hope you will feel comfortable talking with any of your committee members if you feel you do not understand the way the questions are worded. I look forward to seeing you undertake and successfully complete this next step inyour journey toward your master's degree.

Prof. D

And here's what the actual questionnaire said:

The exam will take place at Elliott Hall on Saturday, April 1, from 1 to 5 p.m., in computer lab 234. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so you can start on time. Questions used in the actual exam will be drawn from those listed below. During the preparation period, feel free to ask faculty members about any questions that you feel are worded in such a way that you aren’t sure you understand them.

Each of your answers will be judged on depth of understanding and breadth of analysis. You should be able to identify critical elements and essential implications of each question and then provide a well-considered answer reflective of a mature and comprehensive understanding of the material covered by the question. Usually this requires citation of significant supportive works and specific scholars in the topic area. Simply referring to a textbook is not adequate. Shallow or ill-defined answers will not be accepted. Such answers will require a rewrite and may ultimately result in denial of the degree. Since your degree will be in COMMUNICATION, it is critical that your answers clearly communicate your thoughts free of style, grammar, organization and spelling problems.

Here are your study questions:

1. What is qualitative communication research? In answering this question, analyze each term separately. In what ways is qualitative research different from quantitative research? What is triangulation? Provide a specific example of triangulation in communication research.

2. If you were assigned to give instructions to a group of research assistants on how to proceed methodologically in one of the qualitative research methods: i.e. survey, content analysis, or ethnography, how might you "walk them through" the various stages? Choose one method and outline the chronology of steps (or if little sequencing exists, then the essential tasks) Be instructive, clear, and thorough.

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of survey research for communication? What are the strengths and weaknesses of ethnography for communication? Be specific. How are these two methods conceptualized at opposite ends of the research spectrum?

4. Discuss the following endeavors as they relate to conducting preliminary research in your area of interest:
a. use of on-line and other electronic data base searches.
b. familiarity with relevant indices.
c. knowledge of respected scholars and scholarly literature, in your area.

5. Distinguish the following forms or approaches to research. Be sure to provide definitions, examples, comparisons/contrasts, etc.
a. historical research
b. critical research
c. descriptive research
d. experimental research

6. The preparation of questionnaires in survey research is a significant part of the methodology. Discuss the various concerns which a researcher must deal with in preparing a field ready questionnaire.

7. How does the process of research evolve? Elaborate on the basic steps or stages involved in both qualitative and quantitative research.

8. Compare and contrast the social scientific and humanistic approaches to the study of communication. Which approach is better suited to communication? Why?

9. How does an individual's development of her/his concept of self fundamentally influence his/her approach to communicating with others?

10. Compare the classical and humanistic schools of organizational theory and the implications each has for the application of communication theory within the organization.

11. Compare and contrast three different methods of doing rhetorical criticism.

12. Compare/contrast the Aristotelian rhetorical critical method with one of the newer methods. Which do you prefer? Take a stand and defend it. Examples and well supported reasoning are expected.

13. Discuss the concept of scholarly objectivity in the field of communication research. Is it desirable? Is it attainable? Why or why not?

14. What are some of the current popular research areas in organizational communication? Who are the researchers and with what area are they associated?

15. Identify three critical developments in the history of communication research. How did these trends or events impact the development of communication research?

16. Identify and explain the parameters that enable you to develop a "communication perspective" of human communication theory. Compare/contrast your perspective as a student of communication with the perspectives of communication in psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

17. Describe and compare the perspectives of at least three communication scholars who have written on the phenomenon of social-networking software such as that used by the distributors of on-line dating websites.

18. In Comm 801, your instructor offered a distinction between the terms “discipline” and “field,” particularly as these terms relate to the teaching and study of communication. Explain this distinction as clearly and completely as you can.

19. The roots of the American communication discipline can be traced back to departments of English. Explain this as completely as you can, making sure to include in your discussion how journalism and speech chose different emphases or components in shaping their respective parts of the discipline.

20. The required general education public speaking course has come under attack at your university. Some departments want to eliminate it as a requirement. As a staunch supporter of the course, how would you defend its legitimacy to a Faculty Senate General Education Committee that is charged with recommending a position to the general faculty on the proposal to eliminate the course as a requirement?

21. A colleague of yours is having difficulty developing training programs that focus on specific training skills. Her sessions tend to be filled with lecturing and theory discussions. How can she make her training sessions focus on skills development instead of mainly on information sharing?

Thursday, Feb.23, 2006
I was burnt out. Deciding whether I should do thesis first or COMPS.

Sunday, Feb. 26, 2006
I broke down. Literally broke down... I couldn't take it anymore. I felt helpless. Thesis was not coming along well. COMPS are crazy! I cried and cried and cried...

Monday, Feb. 27, 2006
I woke up with red and swollen eyes. Went to teach from 8:00-9:15 a.m. Held my office hours while crying. Couldn't take it anymore... I called my mom... Didn't say a word, just cried cried and cried... Mom was worried. After I got off the phone, I received two text messages from my dad:

1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phillipians 4:13)

2. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20)

I was encouraged and lifted up. But still, there are some works to be done.

Tuesday, Feb.28, 2006 - Thursday, March 16, 2006
I was frantically gathering the research materials and putting together my big fat COMPS binder. Working day and night for COMPS and Thesis.

Friday, March 17, 2006
I was officially done with all the questions. Decided to leave the thesis aside for the next couple of weeks.

Saturday, March 18, 2006 - Saturday March 25, 2006
Having fun while carrying my big fat COMPS folder everywhere. No motivation to study at all!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006
First day of panicking again. Got together with Becca at Barnes and Nobles studying.

Monday, March 27, 2006 - Friday, March 31, 2006
Religiously going to Barnes and Noble studying and memorizing. I basically didn't do anything besides studying. Totally isolate myself from anyone...

Saturday, April 1, 2006
Getting ready for the Test.
12:30 p.m. leave apartment
1:00-5:00 p.m. Taking the test
5:00 out of the room (happy and anxious)

Monday, April 17, 2006
1:40 p.m. Went to Dr. D's office.

She said with her smile, "YOU PASSED COMPS!"
Then, she gave me a hug. Oh man, what a journey!!!


Anonymous said...

Seeing you go through all those straineous processes, I really am happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Amelia. Please let me know when/where you are going to be to defend your thesis.

Lee Ya said...

Thanks, guys!

Chiam -> Ok

Herrotzky said...

Huaaaaaaaaaa....... Congrats2.... walo gue ngga ngerti apa itu thesis apa itu COMPS dkk... Congrats and Gut Lak... cheer up terus ya... inget... ada apa2 tinggal nengok ke samping en belakang... ada temen2 loe... heheheheh... Gut Lak My friend...

Destri Andorf said...

Congrats congrats !! *jumping ups & downs...* yippieeeee......

selamat selamat. saya turut berbahahahahagia !! :)