Saturday, March 25, 2006

My last spring break...

Oh yeah! It's my last spring break! Sad? Happy? Well, I've gotta say both! Sad, coz later when I work, obviously there's no such thing as spring break. Happy, coz that means I don't have to study anymore! Haha! Since this is my last spring break, many of my friends advised that I should enjoy to the fullest! Well, I really wish I could do that. But, I have this COMPS that I have to study. So, before spring break started, I kept telling my friends and of course myself that I'll be studying! Yeah! No Kansas City trip, no late nite movies, no late nite snacks, no nothing! Coz why? Amelia needs to study!

Guess what! Didn't work out! Yes, I went to Kansas City(I brought my folder though, but of course I didn't study), I had all the mid nite snacks, and haha! Yes! I never missed the DVD nites. Oh God! What was I doing?!! I dunno, but I just can't concentrate. My mind is totally somewhere else!

Today is Saturday, I'm a week away from COMPS, and guess what! Haha! Nothing sticks in my brain! So, I think I better get my acts together now! (I know... I've been saying this since God knows when...) But, this time is for real!! I mean business (Haha! I know you'll say... yeah.. yeah...)

Anyways, spring break is over... So that means, Amelia won't have spring break anymore....

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