Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh, I feel good!

Today's weather is unbelievably terrible in KC. We have bad, bad, bad - I know it's redundancy plus bad grammar, but hey! I'm not at work now :) - ice storm. The good thing is they let us out early! I was out of the office since 2:30 p.m. That is a miracle! I still can't believe that this is happening. I was actually - literally - out of the office before the official shut down time? This is ain't right!

I still remember clearly how I felt when my professors let us out early or cancelled classes back in those days. I still remember the satisfaction, the overflowing joy, and the "yeah!" feeling I had being a student!

And brothers and sisters, believe me, those feelings were nothing - yeah! nothing! - compare to what I feel today! I mean I was able to go home early and being paid; eventhough I wasn't at work? Oh, how I'm suddenly infatuated with the idea of "working" instead of "schooling!"

I tell ya', mom is right! There's certainly something we can praise God for each and everyday!

I'm gonna curl up with Baby the whole night!

Now I wish I had a fireplace!


Anonymous said...

A fireplace is definitely a nice touch in the winter. The fire burning, a cup of hot chocolate in one hand, Baby cuddling up by you.

Anonymous said...

Liaaaaaaaaaaaa here's for you!!!
Click here to see what I got!