Monday, December 12, 2005

Oh, I promised someone!

Yeah, I promised someone last Thursday nite.. We were talking about things that we need to enjoy for the next few months due to the uncertainty of international students' lives after graduation... Okay, lets put it this way... What are the things that we should enjoy while we're still here in America....

And I promised my friend that I will list those on my blog.
Okay, you! Yes, you!! You know I'm talking to you!!
So, here's for you...

1. Scraping the ice on the car during winter
2. Wearing those puffy jackets
3. T-Mobile to T-Mobile free
4. 500 text messages per month
5. Sitting at the RSC to chit-chat
6. Weather reports
7. Flying and receiving "aeroplanes"
8. Driving on the right lane

Hey, I don't remember the rest laaa.... Too much laughing that time! That's the best I can do... Didn't mean to fly "aeroplane," coz it was supposed to be on here by Friday.. At least I try lah! Happy or not?? 3 more months ehhhh...... Haha!


Anonymous said...

what about shopping for groceries at Walmart/Dillon's at 2am or 30-day money back guarantee?

Lee Ya said...

well, that's another one!! Thanks for reminding!