Saturday, March 18, 2006

Blink! Blink!

A friend of mine in the ESC told me few days ago that she had to go to an eye doctor. She explained to me that couple days before she went to the doctor, she felt that something's bugging her eyes. Eyes were redish, then painful... She felt her eyes were dry too... untillotsa tears came out! Then I said... yah yahh me too!! I think I told some of my friends too about that.... And the strangest thing was that I didn't even wear my contacts then... so definetely not my contacts....

Anyways, she went on with her story.... She told the doctor that she's been writing her thesis and studying for COMPS... She said she had been spending hours and hours in front of the computer... Wah... very similar to my situation! Haha! Then the doctor checked her vision and all the details.. everything was fine....

The doctor then came with a conclusion that, when we're doing our stuffs, like studying or being in front of the computer, do remember to blink!

Haha! You probably think, whattt? Blink? Yes, blinking is very very important! So for those of you who are working hard (read: Jasmine! haha!) please don't forget to blink! You all don't wanna spend big bucks at the eye doctor just to discover you forgot to blink!

So lets start now! Blink! Blink! Blink!


Jasmine said...



better put a post it! on the computer that says BLINK!

Herrotzky said...

to blink... or not to blink...