A girlfriend of mine dropped by my office yesterday... That was a nice surprise! It was her first time to my office, and I've never expected her to come by... Really made my day! Girlfriends are the bestttt!!
This morning a friend of mine from the other part of the world also called... That was another nice 'lil surprise! Hey, I hope you feel better, k?
Then I went to the office, and all the second year GTAs who are taking COMPS, including me, got cute little presents from Cori and Sandy. Yes, some chocolates and a CD that says "COMPS Music."
Oh yeah, couple of days ago I got some breads that were sent by FedEx! Hahaha! My kind of bread! The one similar to BreadTalk in Asia.... Thanks a lot, man! They were great!!!
I love surprises! They may seem simple to others, but I'm just blessed.Oh ya! Speaking of surprises, COMPS are tomorrow!
I hope Dr. Dooley decides to be nice by not surprising me with all those hard questions!!